
Hdmi Cable Image But No Sound

  • I have connected my laptop (HP G72) to my Television (Toshiba VL863) via an HDMI cable, I have a perfect flick, but no sound?

    laptop connected to the tv, adept moving picture but no sound. How to make sound

    I would say go to the command console in the starting time carte and clicking noise. Yous see an option within this selection for audio output? You may need to select HDMI as the main output device.

    I promise this helps. But reply to the results.

  • G6-1b70us Pavilion. Motion picture only no sound from the television receiver when you use HDMI. Worked without problem.

    I accept a pavilion g6-1b70us I'1000 trying to connect my Television with an hdmi cable.  I get a picture but no sound.  Previously, this worked without problems.  When I shoot to the summit of my reading of the sound settings, the only options are speakers and the headphones.  When I shoot to the top of my devices, the Samsung TV is in that location, only it is described every bit a "generic monitor" (thinking it was weird).  I take uninstalled and reinstalled my intel graphics driver and IDC sound driver just yet no sound through TV.  Also, I will mention that in sub command console > sounds and devices at that place is a link to the SRS Premium Sound technology.  As yous can meet in the image beneath, the Samsung device is, but it is greyed out and cannot be selected. Can someone please?

    Well in example anyone is interested I have solved the trouble (but took me 12 hours to understand, lol).  Evidently, even if the Samsung Idiot box did not announced in the sound options, you can still correct click in the empty box and a toggle selection volition appear.

  • Can I ship audio to the new apple tree boob tube to airplay speakers and around things sound via HDMI to the projector?

    Can I send sound to the new apple idiot box to airplay speakers and around things sound via HDMI to the projector? My projector has HDMI but no audio output. Thank you.

    You tin can ready the audio output to the airplay speakers in settings on Apple tree Telly

  • Re: Satellite A300-1MC - no sound via HDMI connexion

    When I connect my Satellite A300-1MC on via connectedness receiver HDMI audio Yamaha in society to play music, no connection is possible, even without sign HDMI on the receiver is lit?
    any ideas?
    problem with the drivers or something else?

    This Toshiba document may be useful:

    + No sound via HDMI +.

    The error is caused past the order of the pre-installed Intel brandish driver installation.
    The problem could be stock-still by reinstalling the Intel Display Treibers V15.9.5.1502 or higher.

    Check information technology out!

  • When I insert a DVD, I get the motion picture but no sound. DVD works fine on my laptop and a portable DVD histrion. I can't find a solution in the troubleshooting on the coumpter procedures.

    I attempt to watch and listen to the series of Narnia films, only when I insert the DVD, I get a good motion-picture show but no sound. Receive load the aforementioned DVD in my laptop or my portable DVD player, information technology works fine. I annot seem to find an underlying cauise for this. Would appreciate a response if at that place is a...

    No guarantee, but y'all demand an AC3 Filter:

    (FWIW... information technology's e'er a good thought to create a system)
    Restore point before installing software or updates)

    AC3Filter downloads
    (try - AC3Filter 1.63 b Calorie-free)

  • Satellite P300: no audio via HDMI on HDTV

    Hi all

    I go video but no sound when I connect my laptop to my Toshiba HD Idiot box.
    I looked at the settings, but they seem to exist ok.

    Whatsoever aid would be bang-up.

    You lot must follow these steps if y'all connect a Hd Television set to the laptop:

    1. fix a TV to the laptop via HDMI, while both units are in a * "power" off * Country.
    2. plough on your Tv set get-go, and then the laptop.
    3. laptop should automatically observe the HDMI connectedness and video output can exist seen via HDMI to the TV.
    4 launch Audio (starting time (Windows logo)-> Control Panel-> hardware and sound-> Sound)
    5. on the playback tab, select "Peripheral digital output (South/PDIF)" and click on "Prepare as default"
    6. click on 'Apply' so 'OK' to close his
    7. the sounds played on the l should now also exist heard on the TV (keys Fn + ESC or the book dial can be used to cutting the sound to the computer)

    _Please Note: _
    1. peripheral digital output (S/PDIF) installation default through Volume mixer does not output digital audio via HDMI.
    2 Hard disk DVD-video can only be displayed on the LCD of the computer bulletin lath or on a television set continued to the output of HDMI port. HD DVD Video cannot be displayed on televisions connected to the S-Video port or an external display continued to the RGB connector.

    Hope this helps

  • HP pavilion dv6 3131tx no sound via hdmi

    I met an audio problem that just started since this forenoon, but is very frustrating, I have my hp pavilion dv6 3131tx windows 7 Home premium, continued to my TV via hdmi, information technology worked perfectly until this morning where the sound stopped working through the Boob tube, hdmi output disappeared in the sounds menu, I tried the following :

    reinstall and update the drivers audio, update brandish drivers and chipset drivers, effort the different hdmi ports and cables (to brand sure information technology wasn't a bad cable) equally well several solutions in the forums, my problem is that the hdmi output does not appear in the menu sounds and cannot be selected as default device How can I get that back?

    Problem solved, loftier definition driver Amd was automatically disabled somehow he was reactivated past going to the Device Manager and the lesser right click on amd/driver high definition codec and pressing enable (note that there are 2 of them, a allow and a disabled person) also let many of them and YAY dolby digital surroundings sound works once more! Later 2 days of difficult to find an answer I did information technology myself >. >, but nevertheless having a problem where my ATI / AMD drivers will not be updated due to a conflict between the hp hardware and the ATI Radeon Hd 5650-. -.

  • No sound via HDMI after upgrading to windows 7

    I upgraded a sony Vaio VGX-TP3Z-B from vista Home Premium to Windows vii. I got a LCD TV Precipitous that the monitor is connected via HDMI everything worked perfectly before the upgrade, merely after I can't get sound through the HDMI to the Idiot box, I tin plug the speakers into the PC, merely the sound is non as good equally the fashion to TV.

    On the settings of the sound output device (HDMI) theDigital is shon as not connected.

    I checked for updated drivers and those installed seems to be later and Sony have no support for upgrades to Windows 7.

    I'm really stuck and frustrated, I hate to be beaten, tin can yous aid me?



    Yous can attempt the steps below and bank check if the problem is resolved.

    (1) kickoff Windows Media Player on any video file.
    (2) make sure that y'all can see the video and sound on the laptop.
    (3) the correct of the mouse, click on area of Windows Media Player (video)
    More than options-> Devices tab-> speakers select from the list of devices-> click on the backdrop push button
    (4) in the pop - uo-> "properties of the speaker" modal window select the audio device: => select "Digital Audio (HDMI) (2-high definition Audio Device)" (on the laptop)
    (5) save all window
    (half-dozen) close and restart Windows Media Player
    (7) connect the cablevision HDMI and swith on the Television set for sound HDMI

    Now the works video + audio works perfectly on television.

    Thanks, and in what concerns:
    I. Suuresh Kumar-Microsoft Support.
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • Satellite R630 - no sound via HDMI


    I tin't observe a way to get the sound through HDMI on my R630. I tried the audio properties in the Control Panel, just in that location is no option to gear up the audio past default to HDMI device as there was on my onetime machine.

    Whatsoever ideas?

    Thank you lot

    Hey Buddy,

    I had the same problem but the solution is placidity easy: y'all must set HDMI equally output past default sound settings in Windows.

    Simply bank check this section of the FAQ from Toshiba, in my example it worked:

  • No sound via HDMI on Satellite Pro A200

    Hey everybody,

    I have Win XP installed on my Satellite Pro A200.
    When I plug in the hdmi video cable through to the tv but the sound is not yet on the speakers of the laptop.

    I tried to alter the output of the audio at all possible options, but it doesn't seem to piece of work.

    Any ideas?

    Practiced news!
    Could be useful to others, and then I'm glad that you posted this here!

  • Question T540p Ultradock sound via HDMI & fwdphb03 exercise not launch

    My problem is that when I am continued with the t540p to the ultradock this noise comes from the local speakers instead of via the HDMI cable if the monitor then through my external speaker which are way better.

    Audio playback devices I wrote: 'High definietyion Audio Device not continued. And then I tried to connect directly via portable computers mindpoit for the monitor and and so it worked. But as soon equally I have it plugged into the docking station, which is connected to the same monitor via the DVI then the upshot is non plugged.

    So I tried the station dock firmware upgrade by downloading the latest firmware fwdphb03, and it does not start in spite of being continued to the docking station and using an external monitor and correctly connected.

    Any ideas?

    Give thanks you



    And then I removed the NVIDIA drivers and all its software. I had to remove the reboot, remove one time again, and then restart. Then and only then, I installed the latest drivers for lenovo download site and then the audio via HDMI becomes visible, and it works over again.

    I've nevertheless to update the firmware of the docking station. If anyone tin can help with this?

  • When I launch cyberspace that I received the video picture but the sound is tin can I hear when I run internet & you see the tube or google.

    I employ Windows xp. I go sound in vlc media role player, winap etc.only when I employ internet, I get the picture of a song or video but the sound is absent from the song or can I listen to audio when I use internet.

    Hi Kamleshlalchandani,

    Welcome to the customs Microsoft and thanks for posting the question.

    According to the description, it looks that y'all are unable to hear the audio of Internet Explorer.

    He would be grateful if you can reply this question in order to assistance yous further.

    one. what version of IE are you using?

    2 have you made changes on the computer before this problem?

    I would suggest trying the following methods and check if it helps.

    Method ane:

    I propose you to play sounds in Web pages and cheque if it helps.

    a. close all the open Internet Explorer window.

    b. open Internet Explorer. Become to tools, Internet Options.

    c. switch to the tab 'Advanced '.

    d. coil downward to the 'Multimédia' heading

    due east. make sure that "Play sounds in web pages" is checked. Click on 'ok '. Restart Internet Explorer. A test to run into if the sound volition at present play.

    Method ii:

    It is possible that Internet Explorer has been selectively mute in the Volume mixer.

    To check this:

    (a) open up Cyberspace Explorer, preferably to a folio that needs to play sounds.

    (b) click on the volume icon in the windows organisation tray (in the lower right corner of the taskbar) and and so click on the link titled "Mixer".

    (c) a console volition open showing the levels of private volume of applications running that play sounds (you may need to curl right to encounter all of them).

    (d) ensure that the level of book belonging to Internet Explorer is not set to mute.

    Method iii:

    Since almost of the online videos require the Java or Adobe flash runtime library to work, I advise you to install the Java runtime library on Internet Explorer and Adobe Wink Player.

    (a) update of Flash player and Java Flash:
    I recommend you update Adobe flash player from the website beneath:

    (b) also download and install the Java Runtime Library from the link below:

    Method four: If the problem persists then endeavor to optimize the cyberspace Explorer by following the steps mentioned in this link.

    How to optimize Internet Explorer:

    Important: Reset Cyberspace Explorer to its default configuration. This footstep volition disable also any add-ons, plug-ins or toolbars that are installed. Although this solution is fast, it too ways that, if you desire to use 1 of these modules in the futurity, they must be reinstalled.

    If you demand Windows guru, do not hesitate to post your questions and nosotros volition be happy to aid you.

  • No sound via hdmi


    I accept a hp dv9000 with hdmi output.  I signed upwards for Netflix and connected the laptop hdmi cable to our TV.  Use of IE, I started a picture show and the video is very good.  The audio of the picture is coming through the speakers of the laptop, but not the tv.

    Curiously, the windows sound is coming through the goggle box speakers and not the laptop.

    How tin I get the audio of the movie to play through the TV?

    Hello Bulverde,

    By default the Vista transmits no sound on HDMI output.  To change this to alter the settings in the command panel.

    Note: This volition plow off audio from speakers or normal sound output on the laptop.  To become that back, yous volition need to reverse this process.

    1. click on the button 'Start '.

    ii. click on "Command Panel."

    3. 'Control Panel Home' click 'hardware and sound '.

    4. where it says "Sound" in green letters, there are three options below that are in blue, click on "manage Audio devices".

    5. This will bring upward a window titled "Sound".

    6. on the tab 'Read' it has listed the sound options at your disposal. Information technology should read "peripheral digital output (HDMI)" click on it.

    vii. it should now check this pick box.

    8. the audio should play through your HDMI connections to the TV.

    Y'all tin too see the article that will requite you more information on this.

    You lot tin besides watch the thread beneath in which another user had aforementioned issues and try different possible steps listed:

    Thank you

    Irfan H, Engineer Support Microsoft Answers. Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you call up.

  • No sound via HDMI connection in adobe elements 14 trial first

    In the trial version of beginning elements 14 that the audio is non exported to my TV with an HDMI connexion, I hear the audio of my pc as if information technology was not connected via HDMI. I accept downloaded powerdirector, this works the HDMI sound... Y at - it zippo to do with this... ?

    Thanks for whatever assistance.


    What operating system is involved with your xiv items offset?

    Configure your desktop computer is stock-still via HDMI to the TV or laptop with Boob tube game as a 2nd monitor in a workflow bi-ecrans?

    Although I realize that you say that the other programme has no problem with the HDMI Tv configuration, how y'all ready display in place

    a. duplicate

    (b) extend

    c. prove the desktop only on ane

    d. show desktop only on ii

    e. no dual monitor, you work with a single monitor for a desktop computer.

    Accept you explored editing Audio/preferences/Carte material ASIO input and output settings tab?

    1 of your connections are of the blazon "hub" or merely a straight HDMI cable from the computer to the Boob tube?

    Is - this problem in all areas of the sound source for the timeline of the start elements or simply with the file (s) and or a Premiere Elements project?

    Please review and then we'll decide what so based on the details in your response.

    Give thanks yous.


    Add on... I have a laptop connected via HDMI to a smart TV. Indistinguishable is resolved. And, I take no problem with sound appear to come from Boob tube... I have touch on volume in reading commencement elements chronology of remote outset elements or the Idiot box Book control conform Volume/pallet/tab panel settings. Thorough in trying to use both randomly.

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